1. Whatsapp
This is a convenient way that everyone uses to get around super expensive text-messaging plans. Smart phones are fairly cheap here, which makes it possible for people to get this instant chat messenger. Its like text messaging, only faster and better. I know that whatsapp is not a Spanish thing, but I include it in the Spanish fads because everyone who is anyone here has whatsapp. Chatting with your friends? On whatsapp. Need to arrange a meeting? On whatsapp. Discussing work issues with a coworker? On whatsapp. Bored? On whatsapp. Or, as an Andaluz would say; wassa.
2. British/American flag paraphernalia
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"I love London! Nope, I've never been." |
To confirm this, I innocently asked one of my London, England sweatshirt-bearing students when/if she had been to London. She answered (haughtily) that no she hadn't, but es la moda. (Its the fashion).
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When in doubt, wear both flags AT THE SAME TIME |
3. Pou
When my students first began asking me, "Leah, tienes pou?" I was clueless of what they were talking about... but after about the fifth person asked, I decided to investigate this thing called pou. Should I be embarrassed to admit that I am now the proud owner of the tamagatchi resembling blob-like creature called a pou? Like tamagatchi, you must feed your pou, play games with it, put it to sleep, and dress it. Unlike tamagatchi, pou has inexplicably spread to all generations, with Spanish people as young as seven and as old as 60 playing. Its completely pointless, utterly silly, but surprisingly addicting.
Hello, Pou |
A few other random fads:
-The Simpsons. Spain is about 10(?) years behind the rest of the world when it comes to the Simpsons, who are surprisingly popular here. The funny thing is, they have no idea that The Simpsons in the US have essentially come and gone in popularity.
-Leggings...no matter the shape, size, or age. I've never been much of a prude, but seriously? Some people could leave a little bit more up to the imagination.